Module Overview

  • 1

    Welcome to Designing for Deeper Learning

    • READ ME Before You Begin

  • 2

    Part 1: Creating a Learning Window & Assessing Beyond the Test

    • Learning Targets

    • Part 1 - Designing for Deeper Learning (with Dr. Harvey Silver)

    • Moving to the Classroom

    • PD Resource - Learning Window (Tool)

    • PD Resource - Task Rotation (Tool)

    • PD Resource - GRASPS (Tool)

  • 3

    Part 2: The Five Episodes of Effective Instructional Design

    • Learning Targets

    • Part 2 - Designing for Deeper Learning (with Dr. Harvey Silver)

    • Moving to the Classroom

    • PD Resource - Making Lessons Memorable (Article)

    • PD Resource - Sample Unit Overviews

    • PD Resource - The Five Episodes (Slides)

    • Checking Your Understanding

    • Learning Target Self-Assessment

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    Planning & Professional Learning Resources (Fillable Forms)

    • Learning Window (Planning Form)

    • Task Rotation (Planning Form)

    • GRASPS (Planning Form)

    • Five Episodes Unit Planner

    • Reflecting On Your Unit

  • 5

    Sample Units

    • Aesop and Ngoni Fables: A Study in Values

    • Why Whole Numbers Are Only Half the Story: A Study in Relationships

    • The Gettysburg Address: A Study in the Power of Words

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    Episodes in Action (Video Resources)

    • Episode 1: Preparing Students for New Learning

    • Episode 2: Presenting New Learning

    • Episode 3: Deepening and Reinforcing Learning

    • Episode 4: Applying Learning

    • Episode 5: Reflecting On and Celebrating Learning