Module Overview

  • 1

    Overview of Resources

    • SESC Suite - Overview of Resources

  • 2

    Everyday Moves for Deeper Learning: Tools to Build a Strong Learning Culture (Session 2)

    • VIDEO TUTORIAL: Student-Friendly Learning Targets (with Post, Discuss, Reference)

    • VIDEO TUTORIAL: Because

    • PD RESOURCE: Because (Classroom Poster)

    • VIDEO TUTORIAL: The Power of Pause

    • PD RESOURCE: The Power of Pause (Classroom Poster)

    • PD RESOURCE: Kindling a Question (Classroom Poster)

    • VIDEO TUTORIAL: Window Notes

    • PD RESOURCE: Window Notes (Classroom Poster)

    • VIDEO RESOURCE: Window Notes in the Classroom (Poetry Lesson)

    • VIDEO TUTORIAL: Math Notes

    • PD RESOURCE: Math Notes (Classroom Poster)

  • 3

    Tools for Planning for Deeper Learning (Session 3)

    • VIDEO TUTORIAL: Learning Window

    • PD RESOURCE: Learning Window (Fillable Organizer)

    • PD RESOURCE: Habits of Mind (Video & Infographic)

    • PD RESOURCE: Sample Learning Window - Fables

    • PD RESOURCE: Sample Learning Window - Fractions

    • PD RESOURCE: Sample Learning Window - Rainforests

    • VIDEO TUTORIAL: A Study In . . .

    • VIDEO TUTORIAL: Essential Questions

    • PD RESOURCE: Brainstorming Your Way to Great EQs (Fillable Organizer)

    • PD RESOURCE: Essential Question Matrix (Fillable Organizer)

    • PD RESOURCE: Questions Are QUESTS (Student Handout)

  • 4

    Tools for Helping Students Build Deeper Understanding (Session 4)

    • VIDEO TUTORIAL: Questioning in Style

    • PD RESOURCE: Questioning in Style (Classroom Poster)

    • PD RESOURCE: Questioning in Style (Fillable Organizer)

    • PD RESOURCE: My Questioning in Style Responses (Fillable Organizer)

    • VIDEO TUTORIAL: Inductive Learning

    • PD RESOURCE: Spiders & Diamonds (Inductive Learning Lesson)

    • VIDEO TUTORIAL: 4-2-1 Summarize

    • PD RESOURCE: 4-2-1 Summarize Organizer (Fillable)

    • PD RESOURCE (VIDEO): 4-2-1 Summarize in the Classroom

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    Tools and Strategies for Extending Learning (Session 5)

    • VIDEO TUTORIAL: Designing Great Comparison Lessons

    • PD RESOURCE: 100+ Compare & Contrast Topics

    • PD RESOURCE: Description Organizer (Fillable)

    • PD RESOURCE: Top Hat Organizer (Fillable)

    • VIDEO TUTORIAL: Reading for Meaning

    • SUPPLEMENTAL VIDEO: How to Craft Powerful Reading for Meaning Statements

    • SUPPLEMENTAL RESOURCE: Designing RFM Statements to Develop a Wide Range of Reading Skills

    • PD RESOURCE: Gettysburg Address (Sample Lesson)

    • PD RESOURCE (VIDEO): Reading for Meaning in the Classroom

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    Tools and Strategies for Transferring Learning (Session 6)

    • ARTICLE: 5 IDEAS for Developing Real-World Thinking Skills

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    Tools Collection (PDFs)

    • TOOL: Student-Friendly Learning Targets (PDF)

    • TOOL: Post, Discuss, Reference (PDF)

    • TOOL: Because (PDF)

    • TOOL: The Power of Pause (PDF)

    • TOOL: Window Notes (PDF)

    • TOOL: Math Notes (PDF)

    • TOOL: Reflection Stems (PDF)

    • TOOL: Learning Window (PDF)

    • TOOL: A Study In . . . (PDF)

    • TOOL: Essential Questions (PDF)

    • TOOL: Questioning in Style (PDF)

    • TOOL: Questions Are QUESTS (PDF)

    • TOOL: Inductive Learning (PDF)

    • TOOL: 4-2-1 Summarize (PDF)

    • TOOL: Describe First, Compare Second (PDF)