Module Overview

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    Welcome to Teaching for Deeper Learning

    • READ ME Before You Begin

    • Intro to Teaching for Deeper Learning (with Jay McTighe)

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    The What & The Why of Predicting & Hypothesizing

    • Learning Targets

    • Predicting & Hypothesizing - The What & The Why (with Dr. Harvey Silver)

    • Moving to the Classroom

  • 3

    How Predicting & Hypothesizing Work in the Classroom

    • Learning Targets

    • Predicting & Hypothesizing - The How (with Dr. Harvey Silver)

    • Moving to the Classroom

    • PD Resource - Inductive Learning Lesson - "Spiders and Diamonds"

    • PD Resource - Mystery in the Classroom - Sharks

    • PD Resource - Mystery

    • Checking Your Understanding

    • Learning Target Self-Assessment

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    Planning & Professional Learning Resources

    • Sample (Predicting & Hypothesizing) Professional Learning Planner

    • Professional Learning Planner

    • After Implementation: Reflecting On Your Practice

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    Predicting & Hypothesizing at Home (for Families)

    • About Additional Resources