Module Overview

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    Video Tutorial

    • OVERVIEW: The Five Episodes of Effective Instruction

    • VIDEO: The Five Episodes of Effective Instruction (with Dr. Harvey Silver)

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    PD Resources

    • PD RESOURCE: "Making Lessons Memorable" (Article)

    • PD RESOURCE: Sample Unit Overviews

    • PD RESOURCE: Five Episodes (Slides)

    • PD RESOURCE: Five Episodes Unit Planner (Fillable Organizer)

    • PD RESOURCE: Sample Unit - Fables

    • PD RESOURCE: Sample Unit - Fractions

    • PD RESOURCE: Sample Unit - Rainforests

    • PD RESOURCE: Moving to the Classroom (Fillable Organizer)

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    Assessing Your Learning

    • Checking Your Understanding (Fillable Organizer)

    • Learning Target Self-Assessment (Fillable Organizer)

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    Tools Aligned to the Five Episodes

    • TOOL (Episode 1): Curiosity Catalysts

    • TOOL (Episode 1): Start with a Story

    • TOOL (Episode 1): Inductive Learning

    • TOOL (Episode 2): Reading for Meaning

    • TOOL (Episode 2): Concept Attainment

    • TOOL (Episode 2): S-O-S Graphic Organizers

    • TOOL (Episode 3): Comprehension Menus

    • TOOL (Episode 3): Graduated Difficulty

    • TOOL (Episode 3): 4-2-1 Summarize

    • TOOL (Episode 4): Guiding & Grading Rubrics

    • TOOL (Episode 4): Checklists

    • TOOL (Episode 4): Presentation Planner

    • TOOL (Episode 5): Test Feedback

    • TOOL (Episode 5): What? So What? Now What?

    • TOOL (Episode 5): Personal Best

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    Episodes in Action (Classroom Videos)

    • READ ME - Episodes in Action (Guide)

    • Episodes in Action (Video)