Module Overview

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    🟩 EPISODE 2 Design Considerations

    • 📽️ Design Considerations for Episode Two: Presenting New Learning

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    🟢 Focus Tools for EPISODE 2 (Tutorial Videos)

    • 🔨 Focus Tool (Video Tutorial): Reading for Meaning

    • KEY CONTENT CUES for Reading for Meaning

    • PD RESOURCE: Designing RFM Statements to Develop a Wide Range of Reading Skills

    • PD RESOURCE: Gettysburg Address (Sample Lesson)

    • VIDEO RESOURCE: Reading for Meaning in the Classroom

    • 📽️ ADVANCED PLAYBOOK: How to Craft Powerful Reading for Meaning Statements

    • PD RESOURCE: Weighing the Elephant (Text & Statements)

    • 🔨 Focus Tool (Video Tutorial): Procedural PRO

    • KEY CONTENT CUES for Procedural PRO

    • PD RESOURCE: How to be a PRO at Procedures (Student Handout)

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    🟢 Additional Tools for EPISODE 2 (PDFs)

    • S-O-S Graphic Organizers

    • Concept Attainment

    • Interactive Note Making

    • Window Notes

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    🟢EPISODE 2 in Action (Classroom Video)

    • 📽️ Presenting New Learning in the Classroom

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    Planning & Implementation Resources

    • Overview

    • Learning Window (TOOL)

    • Learning Window Planner (Fillable PDF)

    • Five Episodes Planning Template (Fillable PDF)

    • Pre-Implementation Troubleshooting Guide (Fillable PDF)

    • Learning from Student Work (Fillable PDF)

    • Reflecting on My Learning Sequence (Fillable PDF)